The UConn Fire Department does not offer a volunteer program for students, but there are area departments who are looking for your assistance. If you are a UConn student at either UConn Storrs or Farmington Health and wish to volunteer for a local Fire/EMS department, below are the area departments that may be interested in your participation. For information on each department, please contact them directly.
Bolton Fire Department: http://boltonfd.org/
The Bolton Fire Department application is on their web site. For additional information contact boltonfirect@gmail.com
Broad Brook Fire Department: http://bbfd.org/
For Broad Brook Fire Department application information please contact Chief Gerald Bancroft at
Coventry Volunteer Fire Association: http://coventryfire.org/
For Coventry Fire Department print application and drop off or stop by Wednesday nights 1900 hrs at 1755 Main Street, Coventry, CT for a tour and to apply. Phone number is 860-742-3510.
Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc: http://ellingtonambulance.org/
For Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps application information please contact
Mansfield Fire Department: http://www.mansfieldct.gov/172/fire-department
For Mansfield Fire Department application information please contact them at
Somers Fire Department: http://www.somersfire.org
For Somers Fire Department application information please contact Chief John Roache at
Stafford Fire Department No. 1: http://www.staffordct.org
For Stafford Fire Department No. 1 - application information please contact Chief Dave Lucia at (860) 684-3612 to setup an interview and file an application. Or stop by on any Monday nights, Thursday nights or Sunday mornings to pick up an application and see their operation.
Tolland Fire Department: http://www.tollandfire.org
Application information can be found on their website.
Vernon Fire Department http://www.vernonfire.com
The Town of Vernon Fire Department provides fire, medical and emergency related services in the Town of Vernon. For more information, to contact a department representative, or to apply, visit the link above.
Willington Fire Department: http://www.willingtonfire.org
For Willington Fire Department application information please contact Chief Alex Moore at (860) 429-0228. An application can be found on their website.
Avon Fire Department: http://avonvfd.org/
For more information or to apply, visit the site above and fill out an application for Avon Fire Department.
Farmington Fire Department http://www.farmington-ct.org
Farmington Fire Department's application information can be found on the above site.
Plainville Fire Company: http://www.plainvillefireco.com/
To apply to become a firefighter or EMT in Plainville's, please visit their site and complete the application as well as an interview request form.